Regular Meeting –Tuesday December 3, 2013
4:00 p.m. - 125 Bremer Street, Weaverville, California
George Owen, Chairman Bill Britton, Commissioner
Dee Potter, Vice-Chairman Mike Williams, Commissioner
Larry Helsley, Commissioner
I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, George Owen at 16:02. Members present: George Owen, Mike Williams, Larry Helsley, Bill Britton, and Dee Potter. Members absent: None. Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Ernie Curran, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, Dick Berrien, Joan Berrien, Patricia Zugg, Steve Zugg, Penny, Abbie, Casey, James, and Mr. and Mrs. De Rosear. Chairman, George Owen introduced the Weaverville Fire District’s new legal advisor, Jim Underwood.
A. Introduction of family and friends – Introductions made.
B. Presentation of Resolution #13-03, Honoring Homer Zugg, to Patricia Zugg and family. (Board of Directors) – Larry Helsley spoke of the qualities Homer Zugg brought to the Fire Department and how he quietly and selflessly served his community. The resolution was presented to Patricia Zugg and she expressed her gratitude.
III. CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered routine by the board and will be enacted by one vote. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes November 5, 2013 – Item 6-c. correction to wording – S.B. - Station 1 not Station 2.
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –
C. Approve Budget Adjustment -
MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented, with one correction to the minutes.
A. Nominations/Elections of Chairman – MSC Williams/Helsley to nominate Arden Dee Potter as Chairman for 2014. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0.
B. Nominations/Elections of Vice-Chairman – MSC Potter/Britton to nominate Mike Williams as Vice-Chairman for 2014. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0.
C. Set Date, Time, and Place of Regular Meetings for 2014 – Short discussion on keeping the meetings the same. MSC Britton/Helsley to set the meeting date, time and place to – every 1st Tuesday of each month, at 4:00 p.m. at Station 1, 125 Bremer Street, Weaverville, CA 96093. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0.
A. Discuss/Approve – Chief and Clerk to submit a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant for a new Type III Engine. Fiscal Impact - $17,000.00 for District match. – Chief, Scott Alvord explained the need for two Type III Engines. One to keep at Station 1 and the other at Station 2. He explained the ISO procedure for determining rate and how an engine at station 2 would help the area in many ways. He suggested taking the third out Type I Engine and replacing it with a Type III through the grant. He stated that the chances are low that we will receive the grant due to the program guidelines: replacing like engines. Discussion on budget and fiscal impact of District’s match of $17,000.00. MSC Britton/Williams to approve Chief and Clerk to submit a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant for a new Type III Engine. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent - 0.
B. Discuss/Approve Chief and Clerk to submit a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant for 12 Full Sets of PPE. Fiscal impact $1,637.00 for District match. – Chief, Scott Alvord spoke of the need to replace some sets purchased back in 2004/2005. FEMA AFG grants are usually in favor of replacing PPE. Clerk, Lisa Guglielmina stated that 11 sets were granted to the department in 2010 and hoped that they saw our need for more so soon. Discussion on the match of $1,637.00. MSC Williams/Helsley to approve Chief and Clerk to submit a FEMA Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant for 12 Full Sets of PPE. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0.
C. Discuss/Approve – Closing Statements for the Annual Audit of 2012/2013 – Short discussion on how pleased we all are on the excellent job Jeanne Hodge CPA and her office has done on the audit. Some members have not had the chance to review the audit. Suggested to table the item until the next meeting in order to give all members the chance to review the audit. MSC Helsley/Britton to table this item until the next District meeting in order to give all Directors the chance to review the annual audit of 2012/2013. Vote: Ayes – 5, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 0.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: The USFS prescribed burn at 5 Cent Gulch is completed. It was good practice for the firefighters that participated.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report:
· EMS classes are finished. Lisa is updating everyone’s files with required information.
· SCBA testing is almost completed. The unit will be updated in December of 2014.
· We are participating in the Trinity County Office of Education program, CHYBA. It allows adults from 18-26 to get their High School diploma. They will be volunteering their time around the station for credit.
· WFD participated in 2 fire safety educational programs; WES and Shasta Cascade
· Scott and Lisa have been meeting with Vicki Whaley re; health care.
· Policies - re
· The pad is poured for the new A/C units. Henry will build the cover to protect them from the elements.
· B-2103 is up and running
· U-2161 is going to be up at station 2 for responses from there.
· Herk is working on 2151 getting the tools mounted and shelves.
· There were questions on the alert system- it is going well, will get used to using it more and more.
C. Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie Curran reported that he is busy checking the engines, cleaning up the shop-getting it organized, and taking apart the bus and transporting the parts to Redding.
D. Committee Reports:
1. Recruitment Committee: (Britton, Helsley, Alvord, Corbett)-No Report
2. Collections Committee: (Hammer, Owen, Guglielmina)-Receiving regular payments.
3. Contract Committee: (Williams, Alvord, Guglielmina) –Jim, George and Scott met regarding the employee contracts.
4. Tuition Committee: (Potter, Alvord)- No Report.
5. Budget committee: (Helsley, Potter, Alvord, Kormeier, Guglielmina)-Larry Helsley reported on the 6 month review for the general budget, and the Hugh Brown donation money. There were suggestions for dorms or a training facility on the oil fire school grounds. There were comments to see some of the money go toward a new engine. Discussion on where to deposit the money – the Volunteer Fire Department will deposit it into their account.
E. Director Reports: Larry Helsley suggested we send a thank you letter to Sherri Cowan for donating her time and materials for the Homer Zugg Resolution frame. George Owen spoke of the old compressor breaking down and the purchase of a new one.
VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jim Underwood welcomed the District to come to him with any questions we have. He will be providing us with a copy of the Brown Act.
IX. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 16:56 hours.
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Arden Potter, Chairman Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk